

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Colt M16A4 Rifle is the fourth generation of the M16 weapon system. The M16A4 Rifle still represents the world standard by which all other weapons of this class are judged. Its combat proven performance is verified by the fact that over 8 million M16 weapon systems have been produced and placed in military service throughout the world. With a record that is unmatched by any other weapon system, it is no wonder that the U.S. Marine Corps considers there to be “… no finer service rifle in the world today”.
Colt M16A4 Rifle, now in production, features a performance identical to the M16A2. Physical differences between the two weapons include a removable carrying handle with an integral rail-mounting system on the M16A4. When the carrying handle is removed, any accessory device with a rail grabber, such as an optical sight, can be mounted on the weapon.
The M16A4 Rifle barrel is designed to accept the M203 Grenade Launcher which can easily be assembled to the rifle offering the user both point and area firing capabilities. Also, all US and NATO rifle grenades can be fired without any supplementary equipment.
The new concepts of rapid deployment, mobility and increased firepower play a major part in the overall strategy of modern warfare. Increased emphasis is now put on small tactical units that are able to “get in and out” fast. Increased need for a lightweight, highly dependable, accurate service rifle with added fire power therefore exists. Colt M16A4 Rifle is the ultimate rifle in 5.56mm.

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